Attack Wei to Save Zhao (In The Case Studies Of Wars, Politics, Business And Others)

Attack Wei to Save Zhao (In The Case Studies Of Wars, Politics, Business And Others)

“When the enemy is too strong to be attacked directly, strike something of value for him. Know, the strong enemy has a weakness. Know that the enemy is not always strong in all things. Somewhere along the way, there must be a gap in
between the weapons, the weakness can certainly be attacked. In other words, you can attack something related or considered valuable by the enemy to weaken it psychologically. The seemingly impenetrable armor has a weakness at certain points that can be attacked.”.

I have previously reviewed case study Chapter 1 in 36 Classical Chinese Stratacles. And this time I will go to Chapter 2 on "Attack Wei to save Zhao"

In essence, this strategy implies to avoid direct combat with powerful enemies and attack its weakness from the other side. This will make the enemy try to protect his weakness. When the enemy's morale goes down due to this attack, the chances of defeating him become very large.

In  another  explanation,  to  defend  yourself  from  attacks  by  limbs, attack the heart. Then defeat the limbs as they re-protect the heart. Disturb the powerful forces that threaten you by causing a bigger problem for it elsewhere, especially by attacking the places that are most dear to you. Avoid direct attacks. When you move, go to a place where the enemy does not move. Third parties can gain allies by entering into conflict on the side of weaker forces. Alliances and partnerships are a common way for small parties to stand firm on the stronger. To defeat a stronger enemy, we must try to get the enemy to spread his army and then attack one troop and the other separately. Instead of attacking his head directly, we should consider attacking the back where the defense is weaker.

Recommended for you : Semua Hal Tentang Sun Tzu

In The Case Study Of Warfare

In 354 BC, General Pang Juan of Wei led his troops to attack the State of Zhao. For a year, Pang Juan did a siege against Zhao so that both Pang Juan and Zhao's troops were both tired. State Zhao then sent a messenger to ask for help to Qi State.

Qi State which is an ally of Zhao State undertakes the request of State Zhao and dispatches an army led by Tian Ji. With him joined a genius strategist named Sun Bin.

General Tian Ji initially wanted to attack directly Wei's troops led by Pang Juan. However, Sun Bin prevented it and suggested General Tian Ji to all-out attack the capital of Wei County whose elite troops were currently besieging Zhao. By attacking Wei, Pang Juan's troops will retreat and try to protect the country. This will make Pang Juan's troops exhausted and when he arrives at Wei his troops can be destroyed. General Tian Ji approved of Sun Bin's brilliant strategy and attacked Wei County.

When Pang Juan heard Wei's country was attacked, he immediately led his troops to the capital city of Wei State. Qi troops then carried out a surprise attack and surrounded Pang Juan's troops who had already exhausted and destroyed  it. Pang Juan and a few of his soldiers barely escaped the fighting. 

I Think That The important point is that Sun Bin understands the psychological tendencies of his opponent and his shortcomings. 

Look In the first Iraq war, How the Americans maintained a busy Iraqi front with bombing, while the secondary troops ran around them through the desert. The use of his smart weapons made Baghdad very worried.

Read Also : Dissecting Sun Tzu Thinking in "Sun Tzu Coward Strategy" by Stanley Bing


This method is very useful when dealing with bigger and stronger enemies, where direct attacks will not work. Unexpected alliances and attacks are a useful method and can be used in combination, for example where a new (US) ally enters an unexpectedly conflicted region / country.


An example is the burning of Quran Taliban Tailings by American soldiers, Rape that was deliberately recorded and disseminated. the tactics of previous enemies of Islam were the distribution of Miras, Crimes, Drugs, Endorsement Restaurant pork and dog meat under the pretext of Tolerance, please note that the steam and waste from the restaurant flies everywhere and flows from the sewer to the river.

In The Case Study Of Business

During World War I, Western countries that went bankrupt because of the war had to cut their exports from the origin of 310,000 tons of soda to 210,000 tons. Fan Xudong used this opportunity for the first soda- making plant in China and founded Yong Li Company.

After the war, the British company Bruner, Mond & Co.Ltd, which previously monopolized the soda world market was shocked when it entered the Chinese market he found that he had a new competitor. Company Bruner, Mond & Co. Ltd. tried hard to get rid of its rival but did not succeed at all. Bruner, Mond & Co. Ltd. then brought a lot of soda by way of deposit to China and sold it for 40% of the regular price.

Aware that Yong Li will lose a discount war with limited resources, Fan Xudong decides to  avoid battles and change his market share to Japan. He exported all of his soda to Japan which was then the largest market for Bruner, Mond & Co in East Asia. In collaboration with the Mitsui Group, Fan Xudong sells its soda at a much cheaper price than Brunner, Mond & Co.

Although Yong Li does not have many items, the amount of goods is enough  to  keep  the  soda  price  in  Japan  falling.  Bruner,  Mond  & Co.Ltd then tried to divert their attention to Japan. But with a much larger sales volume, while prices are unlikely to be lowered (due to losses), Bruner, Mond & Co.Ltd then entered into an agreement with Yong Li to stop lowering prices in China, while Yong Li Company can sell back the soda in China at regular prices. In addition, the two companies agreed not to make any price changes without mutual agreement.


In 1982, the Bendix company tried to take over Martin Marietta, a military defense company. Martin Marietta responded by trying Pac- Man Defense. Then they target United Technologies against Bendix Corporation. At that time, Bendix did not have the strategic resources to counter such a move and immediately asked the Allied Corporation to  absorb  it.  Convincingly,  Martin  Marietta  retained  their independence.


In other cases also, the way to sell common items is to attract children who will then bother their parents to make a purchase.

Other Everyday Case Studies

When  interrogated  suspect  silent,  common  tactics  (at  least  in  TV dramas and movies) threaten to hurt their friends or family. 


In arguing, you can provoke someone to defend others, which can at least be a useful distraction. They may also be weaker when forced away from their current position and hence more easily convince or make them harmless.


A broader principle is to understand what will make a person react and lure it into a response that is more beneficial to you than their current actions.

What Lessons Can We Get ?

1. To solve big and complicated problems we have to decipher them into sections, write on a piece of paper or our agenda. Then execution one by one start with the easiest. If the problems we face such as financial problems, we can start with frugality then save, seek additional income and so on. Make your budget list well and consistently.

2. Patient waiting. Read the situation and conditions, notice the tidal life and stay alert on one side. If we are impatient we can act uncontrollably, it is also important to be able to distinguish between what wants and what needs.

3. Pay  attention  to  your  own  defenses,  too  eager  to  pursue ambitions without regard to self-defense can be fatal. Too eager to drop the opponent might even slip itself.

4. Those   who   are   able   to   recognize   the   configuration   or constellation of the various strategic situations that lie ahead of them, usually have little advantage or added value.

5. To  thrive  in  a  world  of  shifts  and  uncertain  changes  now, pragmatic successful strategists create their own opportunities by understanding how the  world operates / work rather than searching and waiting for certain scenarios to occur. "He who has mastered this method knows the course of the heavens and the earth, gains the support of the people, and is fully aware of the opposite situation ... When he needs to determine the order of his battles he knows how to prepare the formation He fights when there is certainty of victory He stops  fighting  there  is  no  possibility  of  winning  ...  For people who really master this method, their opponents or competitors can not do anything to escape their defeat. "--- A   renewed   paraphrase   of   Sun   Bin   (renowned   strategist, grandson of Sunzi )